Health & Safety

  • We have a Governing Body which is responsible for monitoring and reviewing the health and safety policy of the school as and when necessary.
  • The health and safety committee considers reports of inspections, assists in safe work systems and discusses new regulations received from the members. The committee meetings are held termly and have an agenda, and are minuted. The Governing Body is responsible for making recommendations relating to safety.
  • All staff members have the responsibility to co-operate in achieving a healthy and safe workplace and to take reasonable care of themselves and others. Whenever a staff member notices a health and safety problem, this is drawn to the attention of the Admin staff immediately, who will record it in the incident book.
  • All staff are responsible for reporting hazards. It is then the Correspondent’s responsibility to follow up this report. The health and safety committee monitors the action taken to remedy hazards.
  • It is the school policy not to administer medicine except in the case of chronic illness after discussion with parents. A medical care plan is then drawn up in conjunction with the school medical officer.
  • Children who go home with a medical complaint or as a result of an accident are recorded in a book in the office.

Periodic monitoring is conducted to check the cleanliness of the building. This is part of the weekly visual inspection.

  • All staff are responsible for encouraging good hygiene habits in the children. Particular emphasis is placed on hand washing.
  • All staff and students are encouraged to be aware of strangers on the premises. If a visitor is unknown, identification should be requested.
  • All contractors are expected to report their arrival and departure at the main office or office staff before commencing work. If they are working in an unsafe manner they are requested to stop work by the management.